In Africa , the continent where the IJGE began its work 50 years ago, Ecoviajeros proposes routes in areas that need the support of responsible ecotourists to maintain the conservation projects while improving the living conditions of people in a respectful and sustainable way. It's turning the ecotourism into an opportunity for socioeconomic improvement and environmental conservation, rather than a threat . And that got through agencies and travelers informed, committed and sensitive to the responsibility of traveling in fragile areas, where the relationship between development and environmental degradation is as problematic as the relationship between poverty and conservation. Ecoviajeros proposes accommodations that meet the criteria set by the program based on indicators adjusted for the socioeconomic and ecological reality of the territories.
In Spain, Ecoviajeros is part of CERES project together with other organizations as Ecoagroturismo Foundation, Ecotumismo and the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation, in order to bring the extraordinary nature of the country, through accommodation certificates for their commitment to sustainable agriculture, the cultural heritage, the surrounding environment and energy management, and offer activities for participation, learning and sensibilation of visitors.
Finally, EcoResearchers is a program of the IJGE that brings the world of research in the field not only to professionals but to anyone who wants to learn this type of job and work simultaneously on the project's sustainability. More information in EcoResearchers.
Ecoviajeros.org also offers activities such as work camps, onsite courses, photo contests and promotes the active participation of travelers through social networks.
Ecoviajeros is a nonprofit program.
You can support us in different ways:
- By becoming a member or donor of Jane Goodall Institute, sponsoring a chimp from Tchimpounga Recovery Center in Congo.
- Participating as EcoResearcher in a course on-site or in a work camp.
- Donating your used mobile phone to the www.movilizateporlaselva.org program
Ways to participate are varied and some depend on ongoing activities in each season:
- Traveling responsibly to the destinations proposed by Ecoviajeros.org and spreading the word!
- Participating in work camps.
- Participating with your routes, tips and photos via Facebook.
- Participating in the other activities of Ecoviajeros.org.

The Jane Goodall Institute, founded in 1977 and currently present in over 100 countries through branches and groups Roots & Shoots, is a global non-profit organization that seeks to increase awareness, empathy and support around human, animal and environment issues, in order to produce a shift towards a sustainable lifestyle.
More information: www.janegoodal.es